KeyTik uses AutoHotkey, which means that if AutoHotkey supports a particular key, then KeyTik can support it as well. However, sometimes the keys need to be represented with syntax or symbols rather than the actual key name. For example, the "CTRL" key is represented as ^
in AutoHotkey syntax.
The good news is that KeyTik can automatically translate the key names into their corresponding syntax. This way, you don’t need to manually input the syntax when assigning keys and you can just use the key names. You can also use dropdown to input key you want to use.
A complete list of supported keys and their corresponding AutoHotkey syntax can be found in the key_list.txt
file located in the KeyTik_internal\data
folder in the download package. Alternatively, you can view the same list directly on the repository via this Key List link.
The content of the key_list.txt
file reflects the exact keys supported by KeyTik. This means that the list of supported keys is stored in the key_list.txt
Key Listz #
Here is the key_list.txt
alt, !
right alt, RAlt
left alt, LAlt
ctrl, ^
right ctrl, RCtrl
left ctrl, LCtrl
shift, +
right shift, RShift
left shift, LShift
win, #
Left Click, LButton
Right Click, RButton
Middle Click, MButton
F1, F1
F2, F2
F3, F3
F4, F4
F5, F5
F6, F6
F7, F7
F8, F8
F9, F9
F10, F10
F11, F11
F12, F12
F13, F13
F14, F14
F15, F15
F16, F16
F17, F17
F18, F18
F19, F19
F20, F20
F21, F21
F22, F22
F23, F23
F24, F24
Up, Up
Down, Down
Left, Left
Right, Right
Insert, Insert
Ins, Insert
Delete, Delete
Del, Delete
Home, Home
End, End
PgUp, PgUp
PgDn, PgDn
Numpad0, Numpad0
Numpad1, Numpad1
Numpad2, Numpad2
Numpad3, Numpad3
Numpad4, Numpad4
Numpad5, Numpad5
Numpad6, Numpad6
Numpad7, Numpad7
Numpad8, Numpad8
Numpad9, Numpad9
NumpadDot, NumpadDot
NumpadEnter, NumpadEnter
NumpadAdd, NumpadAdd
NumpadSub, NumpadSub
NumpadMult, NumpadMult
NumpadDiv, NumpadDiv
Esc, Esc
Space, Space
Tab, Tab
CapsLock, CapsLock
Enter, Enter
Return, Enter
Backspace, Backspace
BS, Backspace
PrintScreen, PrintScreen
PrtSc, PrintScreen
Pause, Pause
ScrollLock, ScrollLock
Volume_Mute, Volume_Mute
Volume_Down, Volume_Down
Volume_Up, Volume_Up
Media_Next, Media_Next
Media_Prev, Media_Prev
Media_Stop, Media_Stop
Media_Play_Pause, Media_Play_Pause
Browser_Back, Browser_Back
Browser_Forward, Browser_Forward
Browser_Refresh, Browser_Refresh
Browser_Stop, Browser_Stop
Browser_Search, Browser_Search
Browser_Favorites, Browser_Favorites
Browser_Home, Browser_Home
a, a
b, b
c, c
d, d
e, e
f, f
g, g
h, h
i, i
j, j
k, k
l, l
m, m
n, n
o, o
p, p
q, q
r, r
s, s
t, t
u, u
v, v
w, w
x, x
y, y
z, z
0, 0
1, 1
2, 2
3, 3
4, 4
5, 5
6, 6
7, 7
8, 8
9, 9
`, `
-, -
=, =
[, [
], ]
\, \
;, ;
', '
,, ,
., .
/, /
~, ~
!, !
@, @
#, #
$, $
%, %
^, ^
&, &
*, *
(, (
), )
_, _
+, +
{, {
}, }
|, |
:, :
", "
<, <
>, >
?, ?
AppsKey, AppsKey
PrintScreen, PrintScreen